Rabu, 30 Agustus 2017

Business Online - More Honeypot Secrets To Attracting Online Visitors

A recent news article made a comment about 'the lonely world online', which is quite an unusual idea given the prolific nature of the internet. How can it be lonely? It turns out to be referring to the whopping four out of ten British businesses with a website but zero visitors. Weighing in to add my pennyworth, I wrote an article about business online - how to attract online visitors like bees to a honeypot, and I wasn't finished yet, so here are some more secrets!

To begin with, I had to get my head around the fact that it was possible for businesses online not to have attracted a single visitor - the whole idea of going 'online' was to gear business to the worldwide market place and reach beyond the normal boundaries of your city etc. But then I began to realize that businesses were just that, businesses, and probably not into furthering their online education to figuring out what makes a website work.

So, I jotted down four honeypot secrets to attracting and keeping visitors in a business online, which were:

1) You have to take responsibility to make your website work - not the designer

2) Create great words that work - good copy skill is essential in attracting visitors

3) Tell your visitor what's in it for them - they aren't particularly interested in cold facts.

4) Tell them WHY they need your product or service. Learn to link the facts with the benefits.

Of course, these ideas are just the tip of the iceberg, and making your business online a success is a bit of a balancing act. So I dug up a few more honeypot secrets to attracting online visitors which are:

a) Grab your browser's attention with a great headline. This is the very first thing they will see and decides whether they stay or go. There are several types of headlines including:

    Call to action eg: "Sign up here for the latest news on oxygen...."
    Question eg: "How much is oxygen worth paying for?"
    How to eg: "How to get free oxygen"

Which one would you guess is the most popular? It seems that people are so inquisitive, they just have to know the "how to" for just about everything!

b) Tell your customer what you want them to do. The average browser may give your business online 10 seconds of his time, so you don't want him to go away just having had a good read - tell him specifically what you are after. Do you want his email address to send him more info? Do you want him to buy your product now? Do you want him to sign up for your free newsletter? Whatever the next step is, tell him in the first few paragraphs so that if he doesn't scroll down further, he knows.

c) Be Google aware. Google bots do a lot of comparison between the websites that are linked to your site and also the relevance of the keywords you are using to your online business content. Attracting online visitors means balancing keyword research with relevance and giving your target customers good content - when they type in a particular search phrase, your website has a good answer ready and waiting.

If you are new to business online, have you thought how you can further your online education to stay abreast of trends etc? The answer is by investing in learning new skills. Find out now how one online centre can supply you with everything you need to know to build a great business online. iMMACC is totally geared to showing both beginners and seasoned business owners how to market and sell any product using over 50 methods and strategies both online and offline. As an added bonus, you also get a free business to promote. I hope my 'more honeypot secrets to attracting online visitors' has been helpful.

Sabtu, 12 Agustus 2017

Why Applying For Accredited Online Programs is Your Ticket to Flying High

Looking for a good online degree or higher program? Not sure which online school or program to join? Is the reason to apply for online education programs - getting a good job? Want to know if the schools are offering worthwhile accredited online programs and not fraudulent certifications? You've come to the right place. In this article, we'll try to answers all your questions.

Differentiating The Good From The Bad
The Internet medium has opened up a whole new world of opportunities for people interested in studying to improve their educational qualifications in an inexpensive way. Today's online degree programs are committed to helping people from all age groups to achieve their dreams, whether to earn more money in their profession, to jump leap and bounds towards success, to grow professionally, or to simply gain knowledge.

While you may be extremely enthusiastic when applying for an online education program, you must remember to first, understand that not all online programs are worth the money you may spend on them. Secondly, not all programs offered over the Internet are accredited. In fact, accredited online programs are the only programs you should choose, but they are the only ones recognized and sought after by those who matter, like the recruiters and the HR managers of the large corporate houses you may wish to join.

Learning how to differentiate the good programs from the bad ones can help you in making the right choice. Here are some important pointers.

Don't fall for bogus websites - There are many websites that make tall claims of offering you accredited online programs. But that may not always be the case. Not knowing how to find out whether a site is bogus or not can be troublesome. So, research these websites. Google them, search them on Bing, and read up about them as much as possible. Try asking people if they are aware of the credibility of the programs offered by these sites. Finally, if you get enough background info and can verify the credentials of such websites, you can be assured that they are not fake.

Investigating the accreditation - This is the next most important to do step. Applying for accredited online programs is the only proper way to enhance your career prospects. So, it's time to understand why accreditation is so important. An accredited program is the only way of knowing and certifying the quality of online academic programs. Most accredited online programs are validated by education agencies on many different factors. Some of these include - objectives, quality of education provided, resources available, type and experience of faculty members and performances of students on a year-on-year basis. Most schools' websites display the accreditation symbols. You can Google the names of these accreditation for more specific information and ensure that the program you wish to join is indeed a recognized one.

Finally, remember that when in doubt, directly call up the school or agency to put your mind to rest. After all, accredited online programs are your ticket to flying high!